Finding it hard to help him
meet your emotional needs?


This course will help you find
the romance, love and support
your heart has been longing for so long!

This course is all about you, and nothing about him!

    What's it about?

    Are you tired of dating men who seem not to know what they want?

    Men who say they want to be with you,
    but then don't respect your emotional needs?

    Are you ready for a new kind of relationship,
    in which you feel connected, fully loved and in peace?

    What will you learn?

    In this free 5-day email course, you'll get:

    1. Short daily lessons about the differences between feminine and masculine energies, so that you can finally understand that he is searching for the same as you, only with a different approach.
    2. Daily questions and prompts to help you introspect and advance in your quest for finding true love.
    3. Daily inspirational quotes to remind you that other women already found that happy relationship. And if they could, so can you!
    4. And finally, daily action steps so that you're ready to commit whenever he crosses your path!

    Who am I?

    Eugenia Gomez
    Engineer Turned Into Healer
    I've been reprogramming my brain and reparenting myself for the last 5 years because I, too, lacked the understanding of what is truly needed to feel loved, supported and respected.

    The catalyst?
    A narcissist I dated and for whom I'll be forever grateful.​

    I'm now here for you, to help you shift your mindset and manifest deeper, more meaningful relationships (starting with your own), so that you can feel connected, fully loved and in peace, and finally make your most secret dreams a reality!

    ​We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.